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GitHub Action

The Lunaria GitHub Action comments on pull requests with an overview of how the changes made will affect the localization status generated after merging, including insights on possible issues and how Lunaria works.


  • Node.js - v20.0.0 or higher.
  • @lunariajs/core - v0.1.0 or higher.

Set up the Action

Create a new file in your project at .github/workflows/lunaria.yml with the following content, according to the package manager used:

name: Lunaria
# Trigger the workflow every time a pull request is opened or synchronized at the target `main` branch
# Using a different branch name? Replace `main` with your branch’s name
types: [opened, synchronize]
branches: [main]
# Allow this job to clone the repository and comment on the pull request
contents: read
pull-requests: write
name: Generate Lunaria Overview
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Necessary for Lunaria to work properly
# Makes the action clone the entire git history
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Setup Node
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
cache: npm
- run: npm install
- name: Generate Lunaria Overview
uses: yanthomasdev/lunaria-action@v0.1.0

If everything was set up properly, the Action will now comment on every new, or updated pull request that has files tracked by Lunaria (those who do not, won’t receive a comment).

Additional step for monorepos

By default, the Action will look for the @lunariajs/core package within the base directory of your repository.

If you’re using a monorepo and the package is not installed in the root package.json file, you’ll need to set the working-directory to the correct path.

This example assumes the @lunariajs/core package was installed in the docs/package.json file, meaning working-directory should be set to docs:

- name: Generate Lunaria Overview
uses: yanthomasdev/lunaria-action@v0.1.0
working-directory: docs

Additional steps for private repositories

By default, the Action won’t run on a private repository for a lack of permissions. To fix this, you will need to follow a few additional steps:

  1. Create a new personal access token (PAT) on GitHub and add it to your repository’s Action secrets.

  2. Add the token input to both the Checkout and Lunaria steps of your workflow file at .github/workflows/lunaria.yml with the corresponding secret name you added earlier:

    - name: Checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v4
    # Necessary for Lunaria to work properly
    # Makes the action clone the entire git history
    fetch-depth: 0
    token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
    - name: Generate Lunaria Overview
    uses: yanthomasdev/lunaria-action@v0.1.0
    token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}



  • token - Optional: a GitHub personal access token to run the Action with.

    - name: Generate Lunaria Overview
    uses: yanthomasdev/lunaria-action@v0.1.0
    token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
  • working-directory - Optional: a desired working directory for the Action to be run on. Should be set to the subdirectory where @lunariajs/core was installed.

    - name: Generate Lunaria Overview
    uses: yanthomasdev/lunaria-action@v0.1.0
    working-directory: docs