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Lunaria allows for extensive customization of its default behavior. This reference covers all the available options in a lunaria.config.json file.

"$schema": "./node_modules/@lunariajs/core/config.schema.json"

Top-level Options

repository (required)

Type: Repository

Configure your dashboard’s displayed git hosting links. The expected properties are:

  • name — The unique name of your repository in the git hosting platform, e.g. 'yanthomasdev/lunaria'.
  • branch — The name of your repository’s branch tracked content, by default 'main'.
  • rootDir — The root directory of the project if using a monorepo, e.g. 'docs'.
  • hosting — The git hosting platform being used, e.g. 'github' or 'gitlab'.


type Repository = {
name: string;
branch: string;
rootDir?: string;
hosting: 'github' | 'gitlab';

defaultLocale (required)

Type: { label: string; lang: string }

Set the default locale of your project, where the source content is from.

label is the display name of the locale (e.g. "English"), and lang is the BCP-47 tag, or other identifying code of the locale used in the tracked file’s path (e.g. "en").

"defaultLocale": {
"label": "English",
"lang": "en"

locales (required)

Type: { label: string; lang: string }[]

Set all the locales for localization of your project. Its entries follow the same signature as defaultLocale.

"locales": [
"label": "Spanish",
"lang": "es"
"label": "Português",
"lang": "pt"

files (required)

Type: File[]

Configure your dashboard’s tracked files.

The order of the entries in files will be respected and displayed accordingly in the dashboard. Each entry must have the following properties:

  • location — a glob pattern of the file(s) to be tracked, e.g. 'src/content/docs/**/*.mdx'.
  • ignore — an array of glob patterns to be ignored from being tracked, defaults to ['node_modules'].
  • pattern — a path-to-regexp pattern of the file(s) paths, e.g. 'src/content/docs/@lang/@path' (@lang and @path are custom syntax provided by Lunaria, in more complex cases can be changed for normal :lang and :path parameters).

File types

Each entry in files has to include a type, changing how the tracking system works, the way the files are displayed in the dashboard, and adding new properties:


The universal file type makes Lunaria track the file’s status by the git history alone, while also accepting any file extension.

"files": [
"location": "**/*.md",
"pattern": "@lang/@path",
"type": "universal"

Alongside the normal git history tracking, the dictionary file type makes Lunaria check for key completion: each key in a source dictionary has to be present in the localizations to be marked as done.

The following file extensions are supported: json, yml, md, markdown, mdx, mdoc, js, cjs, mjs, ts, cts, mts.

If any keys are missing in localizations, the dashboard’s details for that locale will include a collapsible list of the missing keys for it to be considered done.

You can make keys optional (they don’t need to be included for a localization to be considered done) in the additional optionalKeys property. Each optionalKeys key is a shared path with an array of dictionary keys to be considered optional.

"files": [
"location": "ui/**/*.{json,yml}",
"pattern": "ui/@lang/@path",
"type": "dictionary",
"optionalKeys": {
"ui/nav.json": ["footer", "sidebar"],
"ui/ui.yml": ["search"]


type File = {
location: string;
ignore: string[];
pattern: string;
} & (
| { type: 'universal' }
| { type: 'dictionary'; optionalKeys?: Record<string, string[]> }


Type: string[]
Default: ['lunaria-ignore', 'fix typo']

List of keywords in a commit’s title for Lunaria to automatically ignore and don’t trigger status changes. By default, any commits’ title including lunaria-ignore or fix typo will be ignored.

You can disable the feature by providing an empty array ([]), or override with your own keywords.

"ignoreKeywords": ["i18nIgnore", "en-only"]


Type: string

Name of a frontmatter property with boolean value determining if a file can be localized or not.

Any files where the property is absent or found with a false will not be tracked, while the ones with true will, and in case a file was found with a non-boolean value, an error will be thrown.

For files that do not support frontmatter, this option will be ignored and the file assumed to be localizable.

This option is recommended when you use a file format that supports frontmatter metadata (e.g. Markdown, MDX, YAML) and you want to gradually make files available for localization. If you expect a specific file to never be localized, consider not tracking it in the first place.

"localizableProperty": "readyForL10n"


Type: string
Default: './dist/lunaria'

Set the directory that lunaria build writes your final dashboard and status to.

The expected value is a relative path from the project’s root.

"outDir": "./lunaria"


Type: string
Default: './node_modules/.cache/lunaria/history'

Set the directory that Lunaria will use to store your temporary git history when using a shallow repository.

The expected value is a relative path from the project’s root.

"cloneDir": "./lunaria/history"


Type: string

Set the file path to a .(c/m)js or .(c/m)ts file with your dashboard renderer configuration.

The expected value is a relative path from the project’s root.

"renderer": "./renderer.config.ts"

Dashboard Options


Type: string
Default: 'Localization Status'

Defines the title of your dashboard, used in the dashboard’s heading and meta tags.

"dashboard": {
"title": "My Project's Localization Status"


Type: string
Default: 'Online localization status dashboard of the project'

Defines the description of your dashboard, used in the dashboard’s meta tags.

"dashboard": {
"description": "The localization status dashboard of my project"

Type: string

Defines the deployed URL of your dashboard, used in the dashboard’s meta tags.

"dashboard": {
"site": ""


Type: string

Array of path bases to be omitted from the generated dashboard’s links.

In contexts where the links to tracked files are deep in the directory structure, e.g. src/content/docs/file.mdx, it might be interesting to show more simplified link labels, e.g. file.mdx.

"dashboard": {
"basesToHide": ["src/content/docs/"]


Type: string

Array of relative paths to external .css files to inline into the dashboard.

"dashboard": {
"customCss": ["./lunaria/css/theme.css", "./lunaria/css/custom.css"]


Type: Favicon

Defines the favicon(s) of your generated dashboard.

external accepts an array of external favicons, with the following properties:

  • link — the URL of the external favicon, e.g. ''.
  • type — the MIME type of the external resource, e.g. 'image/svg+xml'.

inline accepts an relative path to a .svg file that will be inlined into the dashboard, e.g. './lunaria/favicon.svg'.

"dashboard": {
"favicon": {
"external": [
"link": "",
"type": "image/svg+xml"
"inline": "./lunaria/favicon.svg"


type Favicon = {
external?: { link: string; type: string }[];
inline?: string;


Type: Record<string, string>

Defines the UI strings of the dashboard. Specifically, the lang and dir keys refer to the HTML attributes of the same name used in the generated dashboard, while the other keys directly change the UI of the page.

The following code sample contains all the keys of dashboard.ui and its default values:

"dir": "ltr",
"lang": "en",
"status.emojiDone": "✔️",
"status.emojiMissing": "",
"status.emojiOutdated": "🔄",
"status.done": "done",
"status.missing": "missing",
"status.outdated": "outdated",
"statusByFile.heading": "Localization status by file",
"statusByFile.tableRowFile": "File",
"statusByFile.tableSummaryFormat": "{missing_emoji} {missing_word} &nbsp; {outdated_emoji} {outdated_word} &nbsp; {done_emoji} {done_word}",
"statusByLocale.completeLocalization": "This localization is complete, amazing job! 🎉",
"statusByLocale.createFileLink": "Create file",
"statusByLocale.detailsSummaryFormat": "{done_amount} {done_word}, {outdated_amount} {outdated_word}, {missing_amount} {missing_word}",
"statusByLocale.detailsTitleFormat": "{locale_name} ({locale_tag})",
"statusByLocale.heading": "Localization progress by locale",
"statusByLocale.outdatedLocalizationLink": "outdated localization",
"statusByLocale.sourceChangeHistoryLink": "source change history",
"statusByLocale.incompleteLocalizationLink": "incomplete localization",
"statusByLocale.missingKeys": "Missing keys"

A few UI string keys are suffixed with Format, these contain dynamically inserted text (sometimes from other UI strings) in curly braces, e.g. {locale_name}. You can change the order or omit these, depending on your needs.